The carpet sharks burning some energy.

You can see Tanners horns in this one.

Strike a pose. Tanner thought it was disco pose... Jordyn went for vogue... Not sure what Shad went for.

I love how the flare reflection worked in this one with the combination of the kids silhouetted as well as the water ripples. Worked alot better than I thought it would.

The sunset turned pretty good. The water was calm so reflections worked really well. Had one issue where as usual at Apollo Park, had a bird crap on my camera. But the kids thought that was really funny. Luckily it was only a glancing splat on top of the auto flash housing.
The following photos are some of the better shots that I took. Kind of an experiment in light.

I don't think I've ever seen it so calm at Apollo Park - what a trip. Again - great photos :)!
Fantastic photos, Jaimie. I'm very proud of you. Keep up the great work.
Wow Jaimie, amazing photo's! Seriously, I may just have to force you to take a family photo for me. Can you do some fancy camera trick to make me too thin? lol
very nice photos... wish they were landscape instead of portrait
I have both. I usually shoot both landscape and portrait just in case. I posted them portrait here, because they fit better and I liked the spacial dimensions better. But I do have landscape as well for most of these.
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