Took the kids to go trick-or-treating in our old neighborhood. They wanted to see the haunted house again at the end of the street.
It was pretty cloudy, but no rain that night so it was really nice out. Great weather for trick-or-treating.

Jorydyn went as "Bloody Scream". Blood would run down the face of the mask when she squeezed a bulb attached to the mask. She kept telling everyone at houses that she was a girl behind the mask. Shad went as his usual Motorcycle sword boy.

Tanner as always added great animation to his Skeleton costume. Always goofing around. The only problem we had one time, was that we saw another skeleton just like him, and about the same size, running from house to house. Thought it was Tanner and was ready to go chase him down, when the real Tanner came out from the house the rest of the kids were at, mask gone. He said he kept getting all wet when he wore the mask. (Well yeah, that is what happens when you sweat in a mask.... LOL)

Ashley went as the Mad Hatter. As you can see, no posing for shots here... lol. I didn't get any shots of Dalton by himself, guess he was using those white ninja skills to hide out.

Ashley and all the screams. Two other kids on the street where Kerry and Lori live were dressed in the scream costume as well.

The High Desert Cemetery was the theme of the haunted house this year. The kids seemed to really have a good time and as always got lots of candy. We'll see how much of it is still in a bag next year at this time.