Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Lemonade Experience

Jordyn and Tanner decided they wanted to make Lemonade late Sunday afternoon. So they took a couple of lemons and squeezed them into water. Then decided that it was not 'yellow' enough. So they then added lemon coolade mix. Not sure if they ever put any sugar in it or not. But here are the tasting videos.


Laura said...

Well it may have been sour but at least they didn't come up with the same recipe Ashley has. She puts cayanne pepper, sugar, salt, lemons and sweet tarts in hers. let me tell you, its Yummy!!! come over and try some, one day!

C Schultz said...

That is awesome! So glad you got those on film.

jbaccus said...

Jordyn and Tanners actually didn't taste as bad as I would have expected. It was a little bitter, but not as much as I thought it would be.